Tuesday, August 31, 2010

While I'm Waiting

Today I had a brief moment of alone time in the car. My mom was here for the morning and I ran to the post office to mail birth announcements. While I was in the car, the Lord totally spoke to me through a song. What' s funny is that I typically listen to the country music stations if I ever get control of the radio. But, today I flipped to the Christian music station, and within a few minutes the perfect song came on for me.

As I have talked about in some of my previous posts, Georgia has been giving me a lot of trouble with her naps. She will sleep for about 45 minutes and then wake up and cry the rest of her nap. I started CIO (Cry It Out) with Georgia at 2 weeks because I saw how beneficial it was for Riley to learn to soothe her self to sleep. Riley picked up on it fairly quickly and I saw progress almost immediately. But, Georgia seems to be more of a challenge. She doesn't cry for long going down for her nap, but she just can't seem to soothe herself back to sleep if she wakes up. So, I am sure all of you mom's out there can understand how I am feeling. Although I know CIO is the best thing for her, it is not easy to hear my sweet girl cry.

So, I have been crying out to the Lord for the last 6 weeks asking for some reprieve. So far, this hasn't happened and I have found myself growing frustrated.

So back to the song that I heard in the car. The name of the song is "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller and it goes something like this:
"While I'm waiting, I will serve you; while I'm waiting, I will worship;
while I'm waiting, I will not faint; I'll be running the race, even while I wait."
It was exactly what I needed to hear. Instead of disengaging I should press in even more. The Lord's will is sovereign so if he is having me wait, then he has a reason. I just have to trust in His plan more than my own.

Hoping this song ministers to you as much as it did me.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Lindsey as your baby girl adjusts to life and sleeping patterns. You are doing a wonderful job as her mother! Keep keeping on and crying out to God and He will fulfill your desires.
