Friday, August 20, 2010

What a Week!

Well, I have never been happier to see a Friday. This has been one of the most challenging weeks I have had in a long time. Let 's start back at the beginning.

On Monday, Riley was in full two-year old mode! She had a day full of whining and temper tantrums and I felt like all I did was discipline from morning til afternoon. Luckily, Georgia slept like a champ, having to wake her up for every feeding.

But, Tuesday was a different story. Georgia hit her 6-week growth spurt, and was wanting to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Her growth spurt continued into Wednesday, and top that off, Riley came down with a fever. She work up perfectly happy, but started becoming lethargic around 10, at the same time that I noticed she was feeling very warm. She was running a temp of 102.3! She wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms, so I just started alternating Motrin and Acetaminophen to manage her fever. I could tell I was going to need to bring in reinforcement, so I called my Mom. She was already planning to come on Thursday so that I could take Georgia to an appt, so she came on over and spent the evening with us. She got up to check on Riley's fever throughout the night, so that I could just worry about Georgia.

Thursday was busy, busy, busy! We had a previously scheduled appt. for Georgia at 9:00 a.m. at the hospital for an ultrasound. Because she was breech when she was born, they automatically do an ultrasound to check for hip displasia. Luckily, everything was perfect with her hips - praise the Lord! We left the hospital and drove to Goldsboro to see Dr. Wilding. Since I didn't know what was going on with Riley, I wanted to be on the same side and get her adjusted. We left Goldsboro at 11:30 to come back to Greenville. We got Riley fed and down for nap, so that I could get her up at 3:00 for a 3:15 appt. at Our Children's Clinic. It was at that appt. that we found out that Riley has Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. In a nutshell, it causes a moderate fever, lethargic behavior, and blisters on the hands and feet and in the mouth. Because it is viral, you just have to let it run its course. Unfortunately it is highly contagious among children, so the doctors were concerned about Georgia being exposed. As you can imagine, the thought of having to keep Riley away from Georgia for 5-7 days when I am home by myself was overwhelming! Riley adores her sister and wants to kiss and love on her all day. Praise the Lord for having family close by, because my Dad and stepmom volunteered to keep Riley Friday through Monday, so that she could get through this sickness and not expose Georgia.

So, my sweet girl left this morning for Nana and Papa's and I already miss her. But, I know that this is what's best. So, today it is just me and Georgia! I thought I would be getting a break, but so far she doesn't want to nap at all. It's par for the course this week. I will never be more happy to see my sweet hubby tonight! Although he can't change the circumstances, it is nice to have someone to share in them with!!

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