Today I had a brief moment of alone time in the car. My mom was here for the morning and I ran to the post office to mail birth announcements. While I was in the car, the Lord totally spoke to me through a song. What' s funny is that I typically listen to the country music stations if I ever get control of the radio. But, today I flipped to the Christian music station, and within a few minutes the perfect song came on for me.
As I have talked about in some of my previous posts, Georgia has been giving me a lot of trouble with her naps. She will sleep for about 45 minutes and then wake up and cry the rest of her nap. I started CIO (Cry It Out) with Georgia at 2 weeks because I saw how beneficial it was for Riley to learn to soothe her self to sleep. Riley picked up on it fairly quickly and I saw progress almost immediately. But, Georgia seems to be more of a challenge. She doesn't cry for long going down for her nap, but she just can't seem to soothe herself back to sleep if she wakes up. So, I am sure all of you mom's out there can understand how I am feeling. Although I know CIO is the best thing for her, it is not easy to hear my sweet girl cry.
So, I have been crying out to the Lord for the last 6 weeks asking for some reprieve. So far, this hasn't happened and I have found myself growing frustrated.
So back to the song that I heard in the car. The name of the song is "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller and it goes something like this:
"While I'm waiting, I will serve you; while I'm waiting, I will worship;
while I'm waiting, I will not faint; I'll be running the race, even while I wait."
It was exactly what I needed to hear. Instead of disengaging I should press in even more. The Lord's will is sovereign so if he is having me wait, then he has a reason. I just have to trust in His plan more than my own.
Hoping this song ministers to you as much as it did me.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A Great Adventure!
If you have been following my blog, you know that the last few weeks have been somewhat challenging! Not only am I a new mother to a 7-week old Georgia, but I have been potty training Riley on top of that.
Georgia has unfortunately not been a great napper for me - started off good, but has gone down hill fast. She likes to wake up after only 45 minutes and cry it out for the rest of the time. Doesn't do so well for me emotionally. Then add on top of that taking Riley to the potty every 3 minutes, because she isn't sure if she needs to go!
In addition, Corey started a new job in May and has been pretty much slammed since he started. His office is in Kinston, so he leaves home every morning at 7:30 and typically gets home around 7:00. It makes for a very long day for me!!
So for the last couple of weeks I have been feeling very defeated. I have been crying out to the Lord for some relief, but have felt like he has been absent. And then it was like something slapped me in the face - since having Georgia I have only been in my word a couple of times. It is kind of hard for the Lord to rescue me if I don't use the life vest he has thrown me. So, today as soon as I got both girls down for nap, I went straight to my knees. I laid everything at the Lord's feet and asked for a fresh revelation from his word.
He lead me to read Joshua 1:1-9. The Lord is speaking to Joshua as he is about to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua is very anxious and so the Lord says to him, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" and "Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." These two stood out to me the most and really spoke to the struggles I have been having. In the study notes of my bible, it says the following: "Every new job is a challenge. Without God it can be frightening. With God it can be a great adventure."
I have been trying so hard to do this new job of mothering two little ones without God. My prayers have been for the Lord to make this easier (help Georgia nap, give Riley an obedient spirit, etc.) which isn't wrong, but I have found myself frustrated when he doesn't oblige. I have been listening to the lies of the enemy and allowing him to still my joy. Instead, what I need to do is trust in the Lord to give me victory over the situation and to have peace regardless, so that I can experience the "great adventure" that he has me in!
Georgia has unfortunately not been a great napper for me - started off good, but has gone down hill fast. She likes to wake up after only 45 minutes and cry it out for the rest of the time. Doesn't do so well for me emotionally. Then add on top of that taking Riley to the potty every 3 minutes, because she isn't sure if she needs to go!
In addition, Corey started a new job in May and has been pretty much slammed since he started. His office is in Kinston, so he leaves home every morning at 7:30 and typically gets home around 7:00. It makes for a very long day for me!!
So for the last couple of weeks I have been feeling very defeated. I have been crying out to the Lord for some relief, but have felt like he has been absent. And then it was like something slapped me in the face - since having Georgia I have only been in my word a couple of times. It is kind of hard for the Lord to rescue me if I don't use the life vest he has thrown me. So, today as soon as I got both girls down for nap, I went straight to my knees. I laid everything at the Lord's feet and asked for a fresh revelation from his word.
He lead me to read Joshua 1:1-9. The Lord is speaking to Joshua as he is about to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua is very anxious and so the Lord says to him, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" and "Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." These two stood out to me the most and really spoke to the struggles I have been having. In the study notes of my bible, it says the following: "Every new job is a challenge. Without God it can be frightening. With God it can be a great adventure."
I have been trying so hard to do this new job of mothering two little ones without God. My prayers have been for the Lord to make this easier (help Georgia nap, give Riley an obedient spirit, etc.) which isn't wrong, but I have found myself frustrated when he doesn't oblige. I have been listening to the lies of the enemy and allowing him to still my joy. Instead, what I need to do is trust in the Lord to give me victory over the situation and to have peace regardless, so that I can experience the "great adventure" that he has me in!
Friday, August 20, 2010
What a Week!
Well, I have never been happier to see a Friday. This has been one of the most challenging weeks I have had in a long time. Let 's start back at the beginning.
On Monday, Riley was in full two-year old mode! She had a day full of whining and temper tantrums and I felt like all I did was discipline from morning til afternoon. Luckily, Georgia slept like a champ, having to wake her up for every feeding.
But, Tuesday was a different story. Georgia hit her 6-week growth spurt, and was wanting to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Her growth spurt continued into Wednesday, and top that off, Riley came down with a fever. She work up perfectly happy, but started becoming lethargic around 10, at the same time that I noticed she was feeling very warm. She was running a temp of 102.3! She wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms, so I just started alternating Motrin and Acetaminophen to manage her fever. I could tell I was going to need to bring in reinforcement, so I called my Mom. She was already planning to come on Thursday so that I could take Georgia to an appt, so she came on over and spent the evening with us. She got up to check on Riley's fever throughout the night, so that I could just worry about Georgia.
Thursday was busy, busy, busy! We had a previously scheduled appt. for Georgia at 9:00 a.m. at the hospital for an ultrasound. Because she was breech when she was born, they automatically do an ultrasound to check for hip displasia. Luckily, everything was perfect with her hips - praise the Lord! We left the hospital and drove to Goldsboro to see Dr. Wilding. Since I didn't know what was going on with Riley, I wanted to be on the same side and get her adjusted. We left Goldsboro at 11:30 to come back to Greenville. We got Riley fed and down for nap, so that I could get her up at 3:00 for a 3:15 appt. at Our Children's Clinic. It was at that appt. that we found out that Riley has Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. In a nutshell, it causes a moderate fever, lethargic behavior, and blisters on the hands and feet and in the mouth. Because it is viral, you just have to let it run its course. Unfortunately it is highly contagious among children, so the doctors were concerned about Georgia being exposed. As you can imagine, the thought of having to keep Riley away from Georgia for 5-7 days when I am home by myself was overwhelming! Riley adores her sister and wants to kiss and love on her all day. Praise the Lord for having family close by, because my Dad and stepmom volunteered to keep Riley Friday through Monday, so that she could get through this sickness and not expose Georgia.
So, my sweet girl left this morning for Nana and Papa's and I already miss her. But, I know that this is what's best. So, today it is just me and Georgia! I thought I would be getting a break, but so far she doesn't want to nap at all. It's par for the course this week. I will never be more happy to see my sweet hubby tonight! Although he can't change the circumstances, it is nice to have someone to share in them with!!
On Monday, Riley was in full two-year old mode! She had a day full of whining and temper tantrums and I felt like all I did was discipline from morning til afternoon. Luckily, Georgia slept like a champ, having to wake her up for every feeding.
But, Tuesday was a different story. Georgia hit her 6-week growth spurt, and was wanting to eat every 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Her growth spurt continued into Wednesday, and top that off, Riley came down with a fever. She work up perfectly happy, but started becoming lethargic around 10, at the same time that I noticed she was feeling very warm. She was running a temp of 102.3! She wasn't exhibiting any other symptoms, so I just started alternating Motrin and Acetaminophen to manage her fever. I could tell I was going to need to bring in reinforcement, so I called my Mom. She was already planning to come on Thursday so that I could take Georgia to an appt, so she came on over and spent the evening with us. She got up to check on Riley's fever throughout the night, so that I could just worry about Georgia.
Thursday was busy, busy, busy! We had a previously scheduled appt. for Georgia at 9:00 a.m. at the hospital for an ultrasound. Because she was breech when she was born, they automatically do an ultrasound to check for hip displasia. Luckily, everything was perfect with her hips - praise the Lord! We left the hospital and drove to Goldsboro to see Dr. Wilding. Since I didn't know what was going on with Riley, I wanted to be on the same side and get her adjusted. We left Goldsboro at 11:30 to come back to Greenville. We got Riley fed and down for nap, so that I could get her up at 3:00 for a 3:15 appt. at Our Children's Clinic. It was at that appt. that we found out that Riley has Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. In a nutshell, it causes a moderate fever, lethargic behavior, and blisters on the hands and feet and in the mouth. Because it is viral, you just have to let it run its course. Unfortunately it is highly contagious among children, so the doctors were concerned about Georgia being exposed. As you can imagine, the thought of having to keep Riley away from Georgia for 5-7 days when I am home by myself was overwhelming! Riley adores her sister and wants to kiss and love on her all day. Praise the Lord for having family close by, because my Dad and stepmom volunteered to keep Riley Friday through Monday, so that she could get through this sickness and not expose Georgia.
So, my sweet girl left this morning for Nana and Papa's and I already miss her. But, I know that this is what's best. So, today it is just me and Georgia! I thought I would be getting a break, but so far she doesn't want to nap at all. It's par for the course this week. I will never be more happy to see my sweet hubby tonight! Although he can't change the circumstances, it is nice to have someone to share in them with!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Crying It Out!!
When I was pregnant with Georgia, everyone said that I would do things differently with her than I had Riley - that because she was my second child, I wouldn't be as anxious about things so I would be a lot more "go with the flow". So far, that seems to be coming true.
You see when Riley was born, my closest mom-friend was my sister-in-law Kellie. Dayla had been born two years earlier and so I had a great opportunity to see Kellie in action and take lots of notes for when I became a mother. Lucky for me, Kellie and I agree on about 99% of parenting issues.
When it came to sleeping, Kellie and Clay had always rocked or bounced Dayla to sleep, so when Riley came along, I did the same thing.
For the first 4 months of Riley's life, she was a great napper and nighttime sleeper. Then, to the day that she turned 4 months, she started waking up early from naps and would only go back to sleep if I rocked her. Then, 15 minutes later it would all happen again. I began spending hours in her nursery trying to get her to sleep. I was at my whits end, when I talked to another mom friend of mine, Tracy Moore, who had put her children down awake, allowing them to teach themselves to fall asleep. I was desperate and so I decided to try it. I didn't have enough will power to just let her cry endlessly, so I would rock her for a few minutes, not to get her to sleep, but to soothe her. Then I would lay her down. I would return to her room at 5, 10 and 15 minute intervals to calm her down. Let me tell you - the first few weeks were absolute torture. A 4-month old has a lot of energy and strong lungs, so she could go for quite a while. She was also having to break all of the bad sleep habits that I had trained her to have. But, once she figured out how to soothe herself, let me tell you - it was fantastic!! Since that time, I have been able to go into her room, lay her down and walk out. Then, when she wakes up, she just sits and plays until I return. She even does this now that she has her big girl bed. She has not once tried to climb down (I should probably knock on wood at this point:)
So when Georgia was born, I knew that I would handle her sleep training differently. First of all, I knew that my time would be more limited when getting her down for nap, because of Riley. Secondly, I knew I couldn't put myself through what I had done with Riley. So, Georgia was only 8 days old when I started putting her down awake. I swaddle her, hold her without rocking for 5 minutes, and then lay her down in her crib. To this day, she has not cried for more than 5 minutes when falling asleep. Occasionally she will wake up in the middle of her nap and cry for a few minutes, but she has learned to get herself back to sleep.
I wanted to write about this, because I remember when I started letting Riley cry it out, I felt a lot of guilt. I felt that as a mother I was supposed to be nurturing her and soothing her, not letting her scream at the top of her lungs. But, what I realized was that it was my responsibility to teach her to become a good sleeper by allowing her to learn to soothe herself.
If you are in the midst of letting your little one "cry it out" I would recommend two books regarding sleep habits for babies - "Babywise" and "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby". I reference them all the time!
You see when Riley was born, my closest mom-friend was my sister-in-law Kellie. Dayla had been born two years earlier and so I had a great opportunity to see Kellie in action and take lots of notes for when I became a mother. Lucky for me, Kellie and I agree on about 99% of parenting issues.
When it came to sleeping, Kellie and Clay had always rocked or bounced Dayla to sleep, so when Riley came along, I did the same thing.
For the first 4 months of Riley's life, she was a great napper and nighttime sleeper. Then, to the day that she turned 4 months, she started waking up early from naps and would only go back to sleep if I rocked her. Then, 15 minutes later it would all happen again. I began spending hours in her nursery trying to get her to sleep. I was at my whits end, when I talked to another mom friend of mine, Tracy Moore, who had put her children down awake, allowing them to teach themselves to fall asleep. I was desperate and so I decided to try it. I didn't have enough will power to just let her cry endlessly, so I would rock her for a few minutes, not to get her to sleep, but to soothe her. Then I would lay her down. I would return to her room at 5, 10 and 15 minute intervals to calm her down. Let me tell you - the first few weeks were absolute torture. A 4-month old has a lot of energy and strong lungs, so she could go for quite a while. She was also having to break all of the bad sleep habits that I had trained her to have. But, once she figured out how to soothe herself, let me tell you - it was fantastic!! Since that time, I have been able to go into her room, lay her down and walk out. Then, when she wakes up, she just sits and plays until I return. She even does this now that she has her big girl bed. She has not once tried to climb down (I should probably knock on wood at this point:)
So when Georgia was born, I knew that I would handle her sleep training differently. First of all, I knew that my time would be more limited when getting her down for nap, because of Riley. Secondly, I knew I couldn't put myself through what I had done with Riley. So, Georgia was only 8 days old when I started putting her down awake. I swaddle her, hold her without rocking for 5 minutes, and then lay her down in her crib. To this day, she has not cried for more than 5 minutes when falling asleep. Occasionally she will wake up in the middle of her nap and cry for a few minutes, but she has learned to get herself back to sleep.
I wanted to write about this, because I remember when I started letting Riley cry it out, I felt a lot of guilt. I felt that as a mother I was supposed to be nurturing her and soothing her, not letting her scream at the top of her lungs. But, what I realized was that it was my responsibility to teach her to become a good sleeper by allowing her to learn to soothe herself.
If you are in the midst of letting your little one "cry it out" I would recommend two books regarding sleep habits for babies - "Babywise" and "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby". I reference them all the time!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Brown Family Beach Trip
In my last post, I talked a little bit about our beach trip with the whole Brown family, but decided it needed a post all of its own. We were there from Sunday to Sunday and had an awesome time! But, Corey and I decided that vacation takes on a whole new meaning when you have kids (at least really little ones). There is no more sleeping in, reading books, or laying in the sun for hours, but it is all replaced by the joy of seeing your children have new experiences.
We were very blessed to rent both sides of a duplex that is owned by a friend of Clay's. Both sides have 3 bedrooms, giving us plenty of room. Corey and I stayed with Corey's parents and our girls on one side, and Clay, Kellie and there 3 girls stayed on the other side.
We spent the first two days on the beach. It was quite an adventure. Hauling all the stuff you need for five kids 4 and under, including 2 newborns is not an easy task, but we made the most of it. Dayla, Bailey and Riley had a blast playing on the beach and in the water. Tuesday night we had dinner at Amos Mosquito's!! If you have never been - it is a must! I had the meatloaf and it was to die for - and I am not a big meatloaf eater! Also, for the kids, they have a smores dessert that they bring out - so the kids can roast their own marshmallow and then make their smore. The girls loved it and were covered in chocolate by the end.
On Wednesday, we decided to take a break from the sun and visit the aquarium - it was great! The girls loved it! I was rather impressed - it has been years since I had visited and it has changed dramatically! Riley was checking out the sea otters in the picture below - that and the sharks were her favorite!


Thursday Clay volunteered to keep the little babies (Georgia and Reagan) for us so Kellie and I could enjoy some time on the beach with just our big girls. Unfortunately, because we are both nursing, we only had a short window of time to go, but we made the most of our couple of hours!
Friday we found the Atlantic Beach town park to take the girls to. We wanted to be outdoors but weren't up for the work that it took to get us all on the beach. Swings and slides are always a hit! That evening we went to Cedar Point to have dinner with Jason and Jennifer Watson and their kiddos. The Brown's have been friends with the Watson's since before Clay and Corey were born, so it was great to catch up with old friends. Jason and Jennifer have a set of 2 1/2 year old twins (Tucker and Massey) and a 10-month old (Fin). Fin wasn't at home when we visited, but the other seven were plenty to keep us busy. The pic below is of Dayla, Bailey, and Riley with Massey and Tucker - they are getting ready to eat dinner!

Since Saturday was our last day, we made another trek to the beach for the day! We got rained on for a brief bit, but luckily we had taken up home under the pier and didn't get too wet!
By Sunday, I think we were all ready to come home! Vacations are great, but there is nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed! This was the first year since Corey and I have been married that we have vacationed with his whole family for a week! Good news is we all survived and had a blast!! Already looking forward to next year!
We were very blessed to rent both sides of a duplex that is owned by a friend of Clay's. Both sides have 3 bedrooms, giving us plenty of room. Corey and I stayed with Corey's parents and our girls on one side, and Clay, Kellie and there 3 girls stayed on the other side.
We spent the first two days on the beach. It was quite an adventure. Hauling all the stuff you need for five kids 4 and under, including 2 newborns is not an easy task, but we made the most of it. Dayla, Bailey and Riley had a blast playing on the beach and in the water. Tuesday night we had dinner at Amos Mosquito's!! If you have never been - it is a must! I had the meatloaf and it was to die for - and I am not a big meatloaf eater! Also, for the kids, they have a smores dessert that they bring out - so the kids can roast their own marshmallow and then make their smore. The girls loved it and were covered in chocolate by the end.
On Wednesday, we decided to take a break from the sun and visit the aquarium - it was great! The girls loved it! I was rather impressed - it has been years since I had visited and it has changed dramatically! Riley was checking out the sea otters in the picture below - that and the sharks were her favorite!
Thursday Clay volunteered to keep the little babies (Georgia and Reagan) for us so Kellie and I could enjoy some time on the beach with just our big girls. Unfortunately, because we are both nursing, we only had a short window of time to go, but we made the most of our couple of hours!
Friday we found the Atlantic Beach town park to take the girls to. We wanted to be outdoors but weren't up for the work that it took to get us all on the beach. Swings and slides are always a hit! That evening we went to Cedar Point to have dinner with Jason and Jennifer Watson and their kiddos. The Brown's have been friends with the Watson's since before Clay and Corey were born, so it was great to catch up with old friends. Jason and Jennifer have a set of 2 1/2 year old twins (Tucker and Massey) and a 10-month old (Fin). Fin wasn't at home when we visited, but the other seven were plenty to keep us busy. The pic below is of Dayla, Bailey, and Riley with Massey and Tucker - they are getting ready to eat dinner!
Since Saturday was our last day, we made another trek to the beach for the day! We got rained on for a brief bit, but luckily we had taken up home under the pier and didn't get too wet!
By Sunday, I think we were all ready to come home! Vacations are great, but there is nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed! This was the first year since Corey and I have been married that we have vacationed with his whole family for a week! Good news is we all survived and had a blast!! Already looking forward to next year!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back to Blogging!!
Well, I am back to blogging again, and hoping this time I can be consistent!! I started this blog about a year ago and have been on again/off again with it since I started. While I really enjoy blogging, it always seems hard to find the time to keep it up. But I am determined to stick with it this time.
The last time I blogged was almost 3 months ago. At that time, Corey had just started his new job and I was coming home full-time to prepare for the arrival of our 2nd baby girl. Since that last post so much has happened in our lives, so I will give a quick overview.
Georgia Reese Brown arrived on July 7th - 3 days past her due date. She had to be delivered via c-section because she was breach. While most people would have been disappointed with that news, I was a little relieved. During Riley's delivery I suffered a cervical tear which lead to a pretty severe hemorrhage which lead to a blood transfusion. So, needless to say, when I was preparing for Georgia's arrival, I prayed continuously for a complication free delivery. So, when the ultrasound revealed that she was breach, I felt like the Lord had orchestrated it so that I wouldn't have to experience anything like before. Dr. Stephenson even tried to externally turn Georgia, but she wasn't budging. It seemed like a clear message to me that this was the way the Lord wanted her to enter the world.


What's even more awesome about Georgia's arrival is that her cousin, Reagan, arrived 4 1/2 hours after her. Kellie was due on July 2nd and while I was getting prepped for the c-section, she was at the doctor's office getting checked. They sent her on to the hospital to have her water broken and within a few hours she was delivering!! Our in-laws were beside themselves having two new grand-daughters on the same day!!
Since Georgia's arrival, things have been crazy!! Riley turned 2 on July 23rd, and we had a Sesame Street birthday party for her at our house. Alot of our friends joined us to help her celebrate and although it was the hottest day of the year (110 degree heat index), we all had a great time!


Then, the first week of August we spent the whole week at the beach with the Brown family!! It was chaos having five kids 4 and under, but we made the most of it and had a great time! I wanted to share a quick lesson I learned the hard way. Kellie and I both agreed that we would take the newborns on the beach - otherwise we would never see the sun. So, we decided that camping out under the pier would be the best option, as it would provide the most protection from the sun. Boy was I wrong. I had Georgia in her carrier, with the canopy pulled over top and sitting under the pier the entire time, and she still got sun burned on her face. I was devastated. I was doing everything I knew to do to protect her, but it still wasn't enough. I have since learned that under the pier is one of the worst places to be - apparently because of a combination of the reflection of the sun off of the sand and the wind whipping underneath. Luckily, her face has healed perfectly, and it will be the last time it sees the sun for a long time!

And, now that we are back from the beach, I decided to really jump off the cliff and start potty training Riley!! Let me tell you - it has been a crazy two days, but is turning out to be a resounding success. The Lord has given me tons of grace and we are making it work, but I will be glad to be over this hurdle!!
So, until next time......
The last time I blogged was almost 3 months ago. At that time, Corey had just started his new job and I was coming home full-time to prepare for the arrival of our 2nd baby girl. Since that last post so much has happened in our lives, so I will give a quick overview.
Georgia Reese Brown arrived on July 7th - 3 days past her due date. She had to be delivered via c-section because she was breach. While most people would have been disappointed with that news, I was a little relieved. During Riley's delivery I suffered a cervical tear which lead to a pretty severe hemorrhage which lead to a blood transfusion. So, needless to say, when I was preparing for Georgia's arrival, I prayed continuously for a complication free delivery. So, when the ultrasound revealed that she was breach, I felt like the Lord had orchestrated it so that I wouldn't have to experience anything like before. Dr. Stephenson even tried to externally turn Georgia, but she wasn't budging. It seemed like a clear message to me that this was the way the Lord wanted her to enter the world.
What's even more awesome about Georgia's arrival is that her cousin, Reagan, arrived 4 1/2 hours after her. Kellie was due on July 2nd and while I was getting prepped for the c-section, she was at the doctor's office getting checked. They sent her on to the hospital to have her water broken and within a few hours she was delivering!! Our in-laws were beside themselves having two new grand-daughters on the same day!!
Since Georgia's arrival, things have been crazy!! Riley turned 2 on July 23rd, and we had a Sesame Street birthday party for her at our house. Alot of our friends joined us to help her celebrate and although it was the hottest day of the year (110 degree heat index), we all had a great time!
Then, the first week of August we spent the whole week at the beach with the Brown family!! It was chaos having five kids 4 and under, but we made the most of it and had a great time! I wanted to share a quick lesson I learned the hard way. Kellie and I both agreed that we would take the newborns on the beach - otherwise we would never see the sun. So, we decided that camping out under the pier would be the best option, as it would provide the most protection from the sun. Boy was I wrong. I had Georgia in her carrier, with the canopy pulled over top and sitting under the pier the entire time, and she still got sun burned on her face. I was devastated. I was doing everything I knew to do to protect her, but it still wasn't enough. I have since learned that under the pier is one of the worst places to be - apparently because of a combination of the reflection of the sun off of the sand and the wind whipping underneath. Luckily, her face has healed perfectly, and it will be the last time it sees the sun for a long time!
And, now that we are back from the beach, I decided to really jump off the cliff and start potty training Riley!! Let me tell you - it has been a crazy two days, but is turning out to be a resounding success. The Lord has given me tons of grace and we are making it work, but I will be glad to be over this hurdle!!
So, until next time......
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