Friday, October 9, 2009

Following the Crowd

I don't know about you, but when I was growing up, if I ever told my mom I wanted to do something because everyone else was doing it, I always got the same response - "If your friend jumped off of a cliff, would you jump too?" My answer was typically "well it depends." But, she had made her point - it isn't always a good idea to follow the crowd. And, this principle isn't just applicable as a teenager, it seems to matter even more as an adult.

With all the hysteria about the swine flu, or H1N1, whichever you prefer, it really got me thinking about this principle. I find it interesting that the mainstream media isn't even willing to discuss alternatives to the vaccine. They sort of gloss over any possible side effects, even though this vaccine was rushed to market in a few months and has no longitudinal studies to support its safety. Not only that, but they have no studies to show that this vaccine will actually keep you from getting the swine flu. So, they just want me to blindly trust them to vaccinate my 15 month old child and just hope nothing happens? Sorry, but I am not willing to jump off this cliff!

So, as an alternative, Corey and I have chosen to protect her in a more natural way - by doubling her multi-vitamin intake, giving her probiotics daily, making sure she gets plenty of fluids, and maintains a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. This is what we feel comfortable with for our family, but it may not work for everyone.

This is a decision that each family must make, so I would just encourage you to ask questions, do your own research, look at possible alternatives and then decide for yourself if the seasonal flu vaccine or swine flu vaccine are best for your family. It is our responsibility as parents to protect our children and take whatever steps are necessary to do so, even if it means not following the crowd!


  1. I totally agree. It makes me nervous that there has been no long term research done. What multi-vitamin do you give Riley?

  2. I give her Nordic Berries by a company called Nordic Naturals. There consistency is like a gummy bear and Riley loves them!! I get them from Dr. Wilding, our chiropractor in Goldsboro, but I am sure you can find them online!
